Oreos Brownie Batter Up For Grabs At Your Nearest Supermarket — Find Out What People Have To Say About The Limited Edition Treat

It's confirmed! Oreos Brownie Batter were up for grabs at the nearest supermarket. Chocolate Lovers won't be able to resist its spectacular taste.

As of Monday, Aug. 10, special edition Brownie Batter Oreos arrived on supermarket shelves across the nation. It sells for $4.49 a pack.

People reported that they couldn't wait to try out the package they received of the new cookies. The verdict: The cookie tasted absolutely DELICIOUS! Even though its taste leaned toward a rich chocolate cake more than authentic brownie batter, one thing that cannot be denied — they're indulgent and super chocolate-y.

A staff member from People said, "They're super chocolatey, but not all that brownie-like, sadly. But they'd be amazing with a big glass of cold milk."

Another co-worker remarked, "They smell like brownie batter, for sure, and when you bite in, they taste like chocolate cake."

"They take me back to my childhood! They taste like NesQuik chocolate powder and chocolate Teddy Grahams! Really good, but because it's so rich and chocolate-y, I think I could only do two or three in a sitting."

To get more of the batter-y vibe, simply keep one cookie inside your mouth without taking a bite for 30 seconds or so, the cookie will take on the flavor of batter intermixed with the viscosity inside your mouth. If you're not up for it, just do it the Oreo way and dunk it in a glass full of milk. Either way, you're not going to regret it.

TIME reported that the best method to get the goodness of the treat was to take the cookies apart and eat the filling separately. Otherwise, you might be overwhelmed by the chocolate favor instead of tasting the specific brownie flavor.

A staff member commented, "you really get a lot from one cookie and there's a lingering brownie taste."

There's a catch toward this awesome goodness that people who tasted this, Refinery 29 reported that these Batter Brownie Oreos will be on a limited run only. Typically, it would last for around six to eight weeks of supplies as per an Oreo spokesperson.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab and stock up or you may never get the chance to experience the Brownie Batter Oreo perfection.

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