Six Steps To Job Fair Success

Job fairs are a great place to tackle the challenges that sending out cold applications can create. It gives applicants the potential to sell themselves and impress employers face to face. The six tips below will guide you on how to make a great impression and stand out amongst the hundreds of other applicants at the job fair.

1. Come Prepared

It is important that you keep your name and credentials fresh in the minds of recruiters even minutes after walking away from their table. In order to do so, come prepared with a resume as well as professional business card. This will remind recruiters of the skills you can potentially bring to their company.

2. Learn the Company

Sometimes job fairs reveal ahead of time which recruiters and companies will be in attendance at the job fair. It is important that you look through the list of employers and do your research on the companies that interest you. It will not only impress recruiters that you know so much about their company, but it will allow you to discuss specific ways in which you can be an asset to their company.

3. Create a Pitch

Since there will be other applicants swarming job fair tables and recruiters will be distracted, it is important that you make it known quickly who you are and what your skills include. You should have a one-line pitch that informs recruiters of your name, education, skills, and what makes you stand out from all the other applicants lingering around the table. If you manage to grad a bit more of their attention, adding in why you are interested in working for the company would be helpful too.

4. Dress Appropriately

Deciding what to wear is an area many people struggle with when figuring out what counts as appropriate at job fairs. One thing that is definitely suitable at a job fair is a dark colored business suit and little to no fragrance. Oftentimes outfits and smells can be distracting and take the focus off of the applicant and on to their attire. This is something you want to avoid.

5. Show Your Personality

It's so easy to tell recruiters how personable, motivated and hardworking you are and so every other applicant will be using the same formula. Therefore, it is important for you to stand out by showing recruiters that you have a personality and aren't robotic.

6. Follow Up

Probably one of the biggest things applicants can do to place themselves a step above other candidates is follow up with recruiters. Employers love to receive emails or mailed notes from applicants expressing their thanks for getting a chance to meet and speak with them.