"Scalebound," a game exclusively developed by Platinum Games for Microsoft's Xbox One, has a plot and a gameplay that is kind of different compared to other single player games. Hideki Kamiya, creator of the game, revealed how the game was developed and what makes it unique.
Kamiya used to be with Capcom, but when he left the company and established Platinum Games, the "Scalebound" idea was one of the first concept pitches, he told Metro. For reasons he did not disclose, they went with "Bayonetta."
He revealed that he had always wanted to make a game with Dragon and fantasy world setting. The "Scalebound" concept was brought up again, but unfortunately, they didn't have a publishing partner, so the idea went back to the closet until they found Microsoft.
Both companies came up with a team and made this happen. Technically, it was a long time coming.
Most of the time, when a game has a dragon, people will think it is a transportation means or a pet in the game. However, Kamiya said that Thuban the Dragon was a different story.
The Dragon is Drew's, the protagonist, travel companion. Thing is, Thuban can only be given with light commands, but it can never be controlled by players.
Both characters can use the energy called "pulse." The Lazy Gamer noticed during the new game's presentation at GamesCom that Drew alternately fires pulse shots and making use of his other range weapon, the bow and arrow.
Once the creature is close, he switches to his melee weapon, the sword. He can also change to his alternate dragon form, where his arm gets to be covered with scales.
In terms of how it is as an RPG, Kamiya said that the basic elements would still be there. However, with typical RPG, the gamer usually invests in his own character.
"The investment in customization and equipping and so on in Scalebound is not necessarily for you but it's for Thuban — the dragon character," Kamiya said during an interview.
"So I think that's one differentiation that you could say for certain," he added.
"Scalebound" is set to be released in 2016. Click here to see more of Thuban, some giant swords and combat actions.