‘Big Bang Theory' Season 9 LATEST UPDATES: Fans React To PHOTOS, Teasers Dropped By Cast; Premiere Synopsis REVEALED

"Big Bang Theory" Season 9 – Fans of the hit series can barely wait for September to come so they can finally be reunited with the gang. Everyday, more and more details about the upcoming season are unfolding, but they are not just enough for the people who've been following the program for years. Well, it's not like they have a choice, but to wait.

In the show's official Facebook account for example, fans reacted to a backstage photo shared by the cast with the caption: "Reunited for Season 9 and it feels so good. ‪#‎BigBangTheory."

One fan commented, "Love THE BIG BANG THEORY!!! Huge fan never missed episode cant wait,,, send sesson 9 on lol."

"#BigBangTheory we love how the show has developed. With each new season we have a marathon by starting from season 1 and watch everything up to the latest. The witty banter is still sharp and we now know all about quantum theory thanks to your references confusing us. This show makes us laugh and also informs smile emoticon may the boson bless you all," Vices and Adulation wrote.

Another one also commented: "I've been hooked from the first episode! I can't wait to see season 9! You guys have some wonderful writers, you are fantastic actors and when you put all of that together it makes an awesome show!"

And to somehow ease the fans' longing for the show, the official plot summary for the 9th season has finally been released, TV Line reported.

The synopsis reads: "Brilliant Sheldon is confronted by a mystery of the universe he cannot unravel: when a woman wants time apart to think, exactly how much time does that mean, and is there any way to hurry the process along? In Las Vegas, Penny and Leonard march closer to marching down the aisle, but has Penny gotten over Leonard's infidelity? And if so, will he do anything to un-get her over it?"

The previous season ended with a cliffhanger, with Amy breaking up with Sheldon, only to be revealed in the last moments that he was planning to propose to her. Leonard and Penny were headed to Las Vegas to tie the knot, but after he told her about kissing another woman during the North Sea expedition, Penny was no longer sure about marrying him, according to the International Business Times.

Meanwhile, it has been revealed that "The Big Bang Theory" season 9 will pick up a few hours after where the season 8 finale left off, Hollywood Hills has learned.

"Big Bang Theory" Season 9 premieres on Monday night, Sept. 21, on CBS.

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