Apple's new iPhone 5 will be made with a thinner screen. The company plans on using technology to make the device a bit lighter in weight with the cutting down of the extra screen.
The smartphone will have touch sensors placed within its LCD screen which will allow the company to illuminate the separate touchscreen layer it otherwise would have needed. This not only makes the size of the screen much thinner, but it is said to better the image quality.
Apple's website says the iPhone 4S is currently 9.3 millimeters in thickness.
This new technology will only build on competition the phone has with other competitors such as Samsung.
The change will also help Apple decrease its spending as the company will not have to buy touch panels and LCD panels from outside suppliers.
Predictions are that the removal of the extra screen can allow space for new components or could make the device appear that much sleeker.
The phone has been rumored for launch sometime in the coming fall.