Celine Dion's Husband's Last Wish: 'I Want To Die In Her Arms'

Celine Dion's husband, Rene Angelil, has been battling against throat cancer and has been fed via tube for two years. This time, as they reportedly do not know how much time he still has, Angelil's wish is to die in Dion's arms.

The famous singer will be back to perform at The Strip starting on Aug. 27, USA Today reported. Dion went on a break for a year to take care of her ailing partner. But this time, her return is one of Angelil's wish as well — to continue her passion for singing.

"I didn't want to be here at first, I don't need it. Don't get me wrong, I love singing for people, but I have priorities," Dion told the source.

The past months have been emotional for the couple. In one conversation, Angelil told Dion his dying wish.

"I want to die in your arms," to which she replied, "OK, fine, I'll be there, you'll die in my arms."

Aside from that, Dion also carefully noted her husband's instructions, should the funeral service be needed immediately.

Angelil was diagnosed with cancer in 1999, followed by a surgery for metastasized squamous cell carcinoma, Los Angeles Times noted. Dion also went on hiatus to nurse her husband after the delicate surgery.

The couple met in 1980 when Dion was only 12 years old. He later became her manager and got married in 1994. They have 3 children, Rene Charles is 14 years old while their twins, Eddy and Nelson, are both 4.

Despite her husband's worsening condition, Dion said that her biggest job is to make things fine.

"I'll take care of our kids," she reportedly told her husband. "You'll watch us from another spot," as noted from Herald Sun.

"He's been the leader of the band all my life," she added.

Let us wait for further updates as this story progresses.

Celine Dion, Celine Dion Husband