'Avatar 2' DELAYED By Director James Cameron? Sequel Not Coming Anytime Soon

"Avatar 2," James Cameron's latest upcoming blockbuster is happening but not anytime soon. Ever since the record shattering box office of Cameron's first "Avatar" film six years ago, both fans and critics are waiting for the follow up.

Over the years since Cameron's film came out, many movies have come and tried to replicate the box office success of "Avatar," but none of them even came close. With a total earning of $2.782 billion worldwide, it's a feat that may be difficult to copy anytime soon.

According to Cinema Blend, the first "Avatar" movie was really a passion project by director James Cameron. The director was reported to have spent plenty of years to develop the script and the tech advancement that was needed so it wouldn't be surprising if the sequel, "Avatar 2" takes years to complete.

"Avatar 2" development details were announced back in January, and it was stated that the upcoming movie won't hit the big screen until late 2017. However, they made clear that pre-production is on-going, Christian Today has learned.

Cameron's "Avatar 2" was reported to be focusing on a "prison theme" Gökşan Özman has said. Özman, a Turkish poster designer, was hired by the director to create the movie's promotional poster. Özman is known as the designer of other big movies such as "Gravity," "Noah" and Leonardo DiCaprio's Oscar nominated movie, "The Wolf of Wall Street".

As reported by Master Herald, Cameron wants fans to enjoy the movie like never before and aims to make the sequel to be as interactive as possible. Employing the use of state-of-the-art filming technology, fans will get to experience the upcoming "Avatar 2" like never before.

James Cameron also stated that for the upcoming sequels, he wanted to focus on creating a complex ocean ecosystem. The movie was pushed back apparently because the director wanted to create graphics for the entire ocean system of Pandora.

"Avatar 2" is projected to be released globally on December 2017, while "Avatar 3" and "Avatar 4" will be released in December 2018 and December 2019, respectively.

James Cameron
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