Anime series "Ano Hi Mita Hana No Namae Wo Bokutachi Wa Mada Shiranai" aka "Anohana" is one helluva tearjerker that will make even the most cold-hearted person's heart weep. Fans of the anime just can't get enough of this beautiful, heartbreaking story following the life of six childhood friends who try to reconnect in high school after drifting apart due to a tragedy that happened when they were younger. Having inspired a successful manga series in 2011 and a film sequel in 2013, a live action TV special is slated for the popular anime series marking the very first time for it to get a live-action adaptation.
In case you missed it, here are 4 things you need to know before boarding the feels train that is Anohana.
1. Official release date in Japan
After the news of getting a live-action drama special on Fuji TV this year, "Anohana" finally gets its official release date and it is sooner than you think. According to Crunchyroll, Fuji TV announced that the live-action TV drama adaptation of A-1 Pictures' anime series will be aired on September 21 from 9:00 p.m. to 11:18 p.m (JST). As for the international audience, we just have to wait, see and hope that the gap for international screening won't take long.
2. More up-and-coming stars to play the members of the "Super Peace Busters"
Along with the news of its air date comes the recent promotional images featuring the child cast members of the show photographed with their main cast counterparts whose actors have been revealed earlier this year.
3. Expect the live-action soundtrack to take you down to the feels trip
Behind every successful movie is a memorable soundtrack.
And the same goes with "Anohana." The staff of the live-action television special announced that the band Galileo Galilei will contribute their song "Aoi Shiori" (Blue Bookmark) as the show's opening theme song. The same song served as the original 2011 anime's opening theme.
Also, the Japanese band Silent Siren announced on July 1 that they are performing a cover of ZONE's hit 2001 song "secret base ~Kimi ga Kuretamono~" as the show's theme song. The anime used a cover of the same song by the anime's voice cast as its ending theme.
4. Still images, promotional videos and other updates to ease the wait
The official site for the live-action television special recently uploaded still images of the cast and the location as well as promotional videos to tease eager fans. As the anime is set in Chichibu, Saitama, the whole drama is being filmed in that location.
Also, According to Tokyohive, a staff member from the drama admits that it would be a challenge for them to make the anime into a live-action drama as many fans have very strong feelings toward it. The same staff member also revealed Menma would have black hair in the drama though she was supposed to be a girl with silver hair in the anime but no reasons were stated as to why this happened.
Meanwhile, the first scene in the special will show the characters playing hide-and-seek in a poppy field in Chichibu as reported by Anime News Network.