iPad Pro 2015 News: JPMorgan Analyst Hints Next Month Launch; Companies Working On New Touchscreen Technology Revealed!

Is the iPad Pro coming this month or next month? A JPMorgan analyst has seemingly answered the question and leaked some juicy bits about the highly anticipated monster tablet from the Cupertino-based tech giant.

Amid the never-ending hype over Apple's table comes rumors and news that satiate the appetite of fans craving for details on what they can expect from the larger iPad technology. More often than not however, these updates are to be treated with a grain of salt given that they are not official announcements from the company that also brought the successful iPhone line and iMac series to the tech industry. But this week is different since a JP Morgan analyst has leaked info on the upcoming tablet.

According to TechRadar, the analyst didn't really delve into specifics, like talking about the official release date of the products, its specs and features, but the analyst did confirm a couple of things. First, the JPMorgan analyst has revealed that starting this month, the suppliers are sending iPad Pro components to Foxconn, suggesting that the bigger Apple tablet will very likely be launched a month after.

Another thing that the analyst revealed is the rumored new touchscreen technology of the device, with Apple reportedly tapping new suppliers to realize the goal of incorporating a new GFF touchscreen to the Pro series of the iPad. The technology is seen as a great addition given that its main purpose is to ensure the accuracy of the the screen's response - a major step-up from what the iPad Mini 3 and the iPad Air 2 offer.

Moreover, the words of the analyst also confirms that Apple is bringing in a Bluetooth stylus to the Pro device. The new touchscreen technology is reportedly going to be made possible with GIS, Sharp, LG Display and TPK, noted AppleInsider.

The new GFF technology is be primarily be done by Sharp, and GIS with LG Display and TPK helping out with minor details. Nissha Printing and Radiant are also on board and the latter is said to be the one handling the LED backlights of Apple's iPad Pro.

Given its size, it is obvious that the biggest emphasis on the specs and features would be the larger display that is reportedly sporting 2,048 x 2,732 pixels. The size is also believed to be opening a new realm of larger tablets that cater and aim for a market segment interested in larger tablets, as per V3.co.uk.

More iPad Pro news are arriving in the coming days, so stay tuned.

IPad Pro, Release Date, Specs, Features