Kim Davis Chooses Jail Over Issuing Same-Sex Marriage License, Allegedly Had Affair During Her Own Marriage

Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses, is going to jail.

According to the New York Times, after Davis' refusal to issue a license to gay couples, she was ordered to be detained for contempt of court and even rejected to allow her deputies to process the licenses that could release her.

Citing her religious beliefs as a basis for her refusal, the clerk from Rowan County, KY, said that she would not change her decision, despite same-sex marriage being declared legal by the Supreme Court.

As reported by CNN, after being given a second chance to change her decision, Davis' lawyers said that she would not allow her deputies to issue the licenses, therefore choosing to stay in jail.

Kim Davis was not in the courtroom for the second session and instead, in the hallway outside. Her representative, Mat Staver said, "We cannot represent to the court that she would allow licenses to be issued."

Staver later on stated that Davis would only issue the same-sex marriage licenses if her name and title were not on them.

"Because that in her understanding and mind is authorizing something that is contrary to her Christian values and convictions," Staver further added, "That's where the conscience rub is."

US District Judge Bunning said that Davis could be released if she complies with the order of the Supreme Court; however, she refused.

According to Yahoo! News, the ACLU requested for Davis to be fined, but Judge Bunning said that such move was not enough to force her to follow the decision.

Davis repeatedly told during her testimony that, "My conscience will not allow me."

She then cried when asked regarding her religious beliefs and said, "I did a lot of vile and wicked things in my past." Davis, regarding her past, was divorced three times.

A fact well documented in the court was records saying she gave birth to twins. She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband, but adopted by her second. Davis worked in the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried.

But regarding her past, she just admitted she did bad things in the past when asked about her life before becoming a Christian in 2011.

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