With the introduction of content management systems, internet companies that make websites for a fee, Adobe's Dreamweaver and other useful internet editing tools, one might think that learning HTML, JavaScript, PHP, MYSQL, PERL, and CSS a thing of the past.
On the contrary, learning the basics of how the internet works and what makes a website function behind the page is still a very essential skill to have.
Although calculators provide us with the ability to compute large numbers within milliseconds, basic skills of adding, subtraction, multiplying and division are still taught in schools worldwide. Calculators were never meant to replace the basic skills and techniques for computing numbers.
The same thought process should be applied to web content technology. Technology and its advances are only developed to make the quality of life much easier than what is was before. According to Time.com, Google has already developed and produced vehicles that can drive themselves and are legal in the state of Nevada. Google did this to make life easier between mankind and vehicles in the future.
So yes, basic web editing skills are needed. Coding skills are usually learned at Universities, however some colleges now offer classes for the public to enroll in for a hefty fee, sometimes ranging between $300 and $800. For people who cannot afford to pay such prices for education in today's economy, they can learn the same things by teaching it to themselvesl by using W3schools.com, for free.
At w3schools.com a user can learn to make websites with their free tutorials in all web development technologies. Once a user feels that they have mastered their topic, they have the opportunity to earn a certificate in their field. The certificate test cost $98.
Another well-known and prestigious website someone can use to learn basic, intermediate and advance code editing skills is Lynda.com. The price is $375 for the year, but with over 40,000 tutorial videos, and access to 640 different computer programs; it's worth the money
Learning to code can seem intimidating at first when the screen of your computer reads like this.
Why HTML is still important