'Once Upon A Time' Season 5 #Dark Swan: Countdown For Show's Premiere Has Begun; Check Out Instagram Posts Of Storybrooke's Famous Residents [SEE PHOTOS]

"Once Upon A Time" Season 5 is fast approaching — barely a few weeks time from now — and the countdown for #Dark Swan has begun.

Season 4 ended with a bombshell with Jennifer Morrison's Emma Watson sacrificing herself to vanquish the Dark Side and thus, in return, she was sucked into the darkness and was transformed.

"Once Upon A Time" Season 5 #Dark Swan, therefore, will start on the premise of Emma embracing the Darkness within her and of Storybrooke's famous residents' unwavering efforts to save her from herself. Reports have already given way to information that Disney's "Brave" Princess Merida played by Amy Manson will aid in the quest to search for the sorcerer Merlin, who might be the key to Emma's salvation. Prince Charming will also go on a quest with King Arthur and his Knights. So, there's really tons to look forward to in the coming season premiere.

In anticipation of the exciting premiere of #Dark Swan "Once Upon A Time," the show's official Twitter page released new photos of Merida and the landscape of the new season. It also teased about Camelot, King Arthur's kingdom.

As part of the actors' preparations for the scenes in the hit fairy tale based TV show, Elliot Knight who will portray Merlin, posted on his Twitter page a snap of the Camelot crew taking aim with their bow. The accompanying caption stated: "Camelot Crew kicked some serious ass today!"

Meanwhile, on the show's official Instagram page, snaps of your favorite Storybrooke fairytale residents are posted to tease you and get you pumped up for Season 5.

Get your daily dose of "Once Upon A Time" fix and take a look at the countdown to #Dark Swan below.

Catch "Once Upon A Time" Season 5 as it premieres on ABC on Sept. 27, Sunday.

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