"Batman: Arkham Knight" interim PC patch was finally released. Major fixes were done but there are still some things that needed to be worked on.
The issues addressed on the new patch are low frame rate hitches, optimization for system memory and VRAM usage and more comprehensive in-game settings, as per the report of MNR Daily. What is also included is enhancement of performance on all GPU, but it requires the latest drivers.
Hitches when running on HDD and low resolution texture bugs were fixed. Meanwhile, "Batman: Arkham Knight" developers are still working on adding supports for SLI and Crossfire, latest DLC & Season Pass content and additional updates such as Photo Mode.
They are also working on continually improving and fixing compatibility issues for Windows 7 and Windows 10, GameNGuide reported. Additional work is being put on fixing issues with some NVDIA GPUs.
Gamers sent feedbacks on Steam after the "Batman: Arkham Knight" patch was released. One member of the Steam community, TheGrinch, stated having no problems, claiming that the game did not crash with two hours of playing it non-stop despite running at 1440p 60fps.
Another member, ILIA S., stated that the patch fixed the performance. The comment stated that the game was played before on the lowest settings, but now it's running on the highest.
[BDS] HardcoreWL claimed that before the patch was released, everything was working. Now the game, according to this user's comment, is unplayable — stating that it crashes every two minutes.
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment stated in the announcement that they will continue to monitor additional issues and provide fixes along the way for "Batman: Arkham Knight." Furthermore, the company said that it would provide updates as they are made available.
Since June, the game was made unavailable on Steam or retails store, according to International Business Times.
There are no official announcements yet about the release date of "Batman: Arkham Knight" PC version.