Economic recession brought a harsh blow to the U.S. market in December 2007. According to Tower Watson, by 2008, it made the employers and workers enter into a dilemma as to how they could navigate and reconfigure their employment settings because of the recession's effects.
The first effect of recession is unemployment claims. Middle-aged or young workers dealt severely on that high joblessness rates. Even older workers left with no choice but to retire sooner than planned as they embrace a jobless life.
Second is how the employers reduce their labor forces. Workers who remained employed tend to stay where they were without the chance to grow in their workplace. Economic recession officially ended in 2009, but the business world still has not fully recovered.
Because of how the market is still affected by recession, Monster considered job hunting to be like a job itself because of how difficult it is. So here are some tips to consider that could enable you to embrace a new great career sooner than what you have expected.
1. Employers oftentimes fill their vacancies through headhunting, word-of-mouth or by recruiting internally. Know how you can get yourself in line with these opportunities because it could be a big boost.
2. Post your CV online. In that way, you are able to reach thousands of employees and save more time and trouble as you search through job adverts.
3. Know what you want. Do this and you are narrowing down your choices for job opportunities that you will surely enjoy and be excellent with.
4. Create your network. Networking is the chance to know people who could help you in your developing career. You don't have to be the most outgoing person to make your network effectively. Learn to open your ears and listen to information you can use to your advantage.
5. Don't lose hope. Rejections may come in the way but hopelessness should never be an option. At the moment you feel like you're about to give up, remember the reason why you started anyway. Be persistent.
Job hunting needs a positive and determined heart. Like what WorkSource stated, "job hunting takes time and energy," so just focus, and don't be disgruntled.