7-Day Paid Sick Leave! What Are The Benefits?

People sometimes are so concerned about calling in sick. Most of them tend to push themselves too hard than resting and taking their sick leave. The only time people will actually take their sick leave is when they are too sick and have to stay in the hospital for a short period of time.

But taking a break is also good for you especially if you really feel the need to. Even President Barack Obama believes the importance of resting. "It helps you keep good employees," the President said at Labor Day event in Boston, The Wall Street Journal quoted.

President Obama then signed a new law regarding sick leave. About 5.7 million employees under the seven cities and one state of US have now been given the security and the right to earn sick day leave legally. The order extends the benefits of the 300,000 employees of federal contractors.

As stated by OPM, sick leave is a paid absence from duty to cover the employee's adoption-related purposes, family care or bereavement, caring of a family member with severe health condition, and most especially to cater their personal medical needs.

But as President Obama signed the new law, new benefits have also been granted. Based from what International Business Times has stated, the new executive order's goal is to increase the cost savings and efficiency in the work performed by both parties in contract with the Federal Government.

They can reach this goal by securing to employees that they can have up to 7 days of paid sick leave every year, including those that are for family care providing this will sure improve their health and performance in the workplace. The new law also brings benefits to the Federal contractors by ensuring them of more talented and dedicated employees. These improvements on savings and quality sure can lead to improvement in efficiency and economy in Government procurement.

Paid sick leave is not just beneficial to you but it also makes workplaces and communities productive while keeping the business and economy strong too. Just don't go beyond the limit or else you might face serious penalties, resulting in the termination of your contract.

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