‘ANTM’ Cycle 22: 5 Things Eliminated Model Ava Capra Revealed After Exiting Tyra Banks’ CW Reality Competition

"ANTM" Cycle 22 dropped another shocker this week when early favorite Ava Capra was sent home amid a very dramatic episode. The latest eliminated model has now opened up about her exit from Tyra Bank's reality competition, and she also revealed what's next for her and her career.

1. Her elimination came as a total shock to her.

In an exclusive interview with Gossip & Gab, the former "ANTM" Cycle 22 contestant admitted that being eliminated this early absolutely came as a surprise. And she said that she was not the only one who was taken aback by it. "I think the world is shocked. People are freaking out!" she was quoted as saying in the interview.

2. The "Simply Be" challenge was the most difficult for her.


A photo posted by Ava Capra (@avacapra) on Jul 15, 2015 at 4:25pm PDT

Ava, who was eliminated after the exorcism-inspired high-fashion photoshoot, revealed that it was not actually the shoot she finds challenging looking back her short stay in the reality modelling competition. She said that it was actually the "Simply Be" challenge that was too hard for her, noting that she was not "emotionally intact" on the day of the shoot.

Also, in the latest and the previous episodes, she had a hard time because being away from her family and friends was taking a toll on her. "Not having them there was really hard for me," Ava said.

3. "ANTM" Cycle 22's Ava was bullied in school.

#FlowerPower A photo posted by Ava Capra (@avacapra) on Aug 8, 2015 at 12:43am PDT

When asked by CelebDirtyLaundry to address the in-house drama and feuds, Capra revealed that it was not really inevitable since all of the model hopefuls are vying for the same price. What's interesting however, is her revelation that she was bullied in school, and this is what drove her to stand up for herself and for Courtney when the latter overheard what Mikey said of her winning photo.

"Courtney was crying on my shoulder and I did what I could to comfort her. People loved that I stood up for her, but it's who I am," she said before adding, "I grew up in a home with an abusive father and even was subjected to bullying in school. I refuse to be a bystander when that kind of thing is taking place. It did jar my focus, but it was my choice and I stand by it."

4. Ava does not mind being called out by Tyra Banks for looking like a housewife at her final panel appearance.

 2 virgins for the virgins, please? @thelaceyclaire #laceyantm #avaantm #oppoxantm

A photo posted by Ava Capra (@avacapra) on Jul 30, 2015 at 8:21pm PDT

"ANTM" Cycle 22 fans who watched episode 6 surely didn't miss that moment when Tyra called out Ava for not looking fashionable when she met with the panel. Banks even called out Ava for wearing an outfit that made her look like a housewife. However, Capra confessed that she was not bothered by what Tyra said to her.

She said, "Oh, yes. I smiled and nodded while trying to as professional as possible! I was just happy to be there. I had wanted to model and compete on ANTM since I was a little girl. It's a dream and I was truly happy to be there."

5. She is ready to conquer the fashion industry as well as the music scene and the world of reality shows.

#AshWednesday #ashtag A photo posted by Ava Capra (@avacapra) on Feb 18, 2015 at 9:02pm PST

"I'm working on my music and embarking on my brand, which is called 'bloom by Ava.' Thanks to TyTy & the inspiration of "ANTM," I am currently shopping two reality shows to production companies. I am also going to continue my modelling career and represent the petite models and my generation," Capra was quoted as saying.

As proof to her plan to enrich her passion for music, Ava announced on her Instagram account three days ago her new single "Unstoppable" which she released on her YouTube account. Check out her new song below.

America's Next Top Model, ANTM Cycle 22, Tyra Banks