A Peek At Jimmy Carter’s Net Worth Amid Ongoing Brain Cancer Battle

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter has an estimated net worth of $5 million. He is currently undergoing treatment for brain cancer but has not stopped doing his Sunday duties, which is to teach Sunday school at the Maranatha Baptist Church in his hometown in Plains, Georgia.

For 35 years, multimillion-net worth-earner Jimmy Carter, has been teaching Sunday school. And ever since he announced his diagnosis, the crowds have become larger. And though he has canceled several appearances, CBS News revealed that he has never missed Sunday school. For some listeners, they believed that Carter has a very "good possibility of making a tremendous difference in somebody's life now and their future afterlife."

Jimmy Carter, who has rarely used his full name of James Earl Carter Jr., had served as the 39thPresident of the United States from 1977 to 1981. In 2002, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in finding peaceful solutions to international conflicts, advancing democracy and human rights as well as in promoting economic and social development, as written on the White House website.

Unfortunately, not all former U.S. presidents like Jimmy Carter left the office with hefty net worth. In fact, several presidents went bankrupt. According to a 2011 Huffington Post report, Carter, the son of a prominent Georgia businessman, left the office deeply in debt. Fortunately, he made substantial sums from writing 14 books. A peanut farmer for almost two decades, he owned part of a family partnership that owns 2,500 acres in Georgia.

Meanwhile, Jimmy Carter, whose current net worth stands at $5 million as The Richest listed, has been going about his public routine, almost as though the announcement of his serious illness was about someone else.

During a recent discussion with the students of Atlanta University, TV Newsroom noted that the 90-year-old former president shared about the treatment he has been receiving for cancer that has spread to his brain. Despite not experiencing any ill effects from the drug, he said one of the worst parts of his treatment was all the fluids doctors were making him drink.

"As far as what the positive effects were, we won't know until later on," he said. "The doctors have been nice enough to cut me back to 64 ounces a day, instead of getting productive work done. I spent a lot of time in the restroom, as you can probably imagine."

Aside from sharing updates about his health and treatment, Jimmy Carter, who founded Carter Center as Celebrity Net Worth revealed, also reiterated his support for the Iran-U.S. nuclear agreement and urged the American officials to involve the Russian Federation and Iran in ending the Syrian conflict, admitting that there's not an easy answer to it since the Syrian war is the main reason why thousands of immigrants seek asylum in European countries.

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