‘South Park’: Trump Err… Garrison Is Back & He May Be After Pregnant Mexican Women, Syrian Refugees In Season 19 Episode 2 [SPOILERS]

“South Park” Season 19 is back after premiering with a bang last week. The Comedy Central hit show is returning with episode 2, entitled “Where My Country Gone?”

In the all-new episode this week, a very familiar face is gracing the small screen with his racist antics. If you are guessing it's Donald Trump, then you are already there.

Show creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone are going all out this season when it comes to parodying controversial names in the socio-political, sports and entertainment fields. Weeks prior the return of the show for the fall season, many were already anticipating for a parody about Trump, and tonight's show will not disappoint as Garrison looks like he is going to pull a Trump in front of a huge crowd in episode 2, as shown in the official teaser clip uploaded on South Park Studios' YouTube account.

We must admit, we actually saw this one coming since the show has been a venue for lampooning American figures. Just like what Trump is pushing for, Garrison will also think of building a wall just to keep "immigrants" away.

But that's not all. Yahoo! News has learned that Garrison has also thought of the best way to keep outsiders from his country and it is to "f-k them all to death."

The official episode synopsis/description reads: "The United States government has decided to let anyone who wants to cross the border in. The boys are at odds with the increasing number of undocumented immigrants in their classroom."

The satirical cartoon is set to lampoon Trump tonight after the former "Celebrity Apprentice" host sparked controversy for saying that if he ill be elected he will remove and deport illegal immigrants in the country, The Hill reported.

Don't forget to catch "South Park" Season 19 Episode 2 this Wednesday night on Comedy Central.

South Park, Comedy Central, Donald Trump