Why You Should Bring Your Fur Balls To Work — Cuteness Isn't The Only Reason Behind

Are you fed up with stress that you think it already affects your productivity and effectiveness? Make sure not to ignore the warning signs of work stress because it tends to lead to bigger problems. It could not just interfere with your job satisfaction or performance but it could also lead to emotional and physical health concerns too. But what exactly can you do to lessen it?

According to Principal Investigator Randolph T. Barker, Ph.D. and professor of managment at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Business, "The effect of pets in reducing the impact of stress and enhancing communication found in other settings may extend to the workplace." So why not consider bringing your dog to your workplace? Or if you still don't have a furry friend, maybe get one perhaps?

Aside from being stress-regulator, your fur friend can also encourage you to work for longer periods of time. PetMD states that, according to a 2008 survey by American Pet Products manufacturers Association of 50 large and small companies, "companies that allow pets in the workplace not only have employees who are more willing to work longer hours, but also a lower rate of employee absenteeism."

Your fur friends also help you balance your work and life. It makes the time pass more happily. According to INC, Bob Baird, Indianapolis' Inverse-Square president and founder said that with dogs around, it would always be too hard to get bent out of shape. Whenever stress gets in, people could just grab a leash and head outside with their dog. This mental break allows the employee to come back refreshed and be more productive.

Given all these advantages, you might probably be too excited to bring your furry friend to work along with you. But you have to be reminded of the guidelines before anything else. First is to make sure that your fur friend is well behaved at work. Also, you shouldn't forget to supervise them at all times.

Learn to be more responsible now that you have with you your dog for more fun, more productive and more relaxed workdays.

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