"Guardians of the Galaxy" animated series will bring back Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Racoon and Groot. However, this time, it's going to be on your TV Screens.
The actors are reportedly fans of Marvel's "Guardians of the Galaxy" film, but that doesn't mean they were going to imitate its cast.
"Chris Pratt was so amazing in the film that the last thing I wanted to do was try to come in and do a Chris Pratt impression," Will Friedle, the voice actor behind the character of Peter Quill told ET. "I had to try to do the character my own way."
Vanessa Marshall, the voice behind Zoe Saldana's Gamora, reportedly said she watched the film a billion times since it was released, but the preparation for the series and for her role took her back to comic book history.
"I have a real reverence for Zoe Saldana, so I wanted to be true to it. But I think you naturally bring sort of your own life experience to it," she said.
"I love second chances and she's a character who's really about getting a second chance, and that's for me what the Guardians of the Galaxy is about," she added.
David Sobolov, the voice behind Drax, said that there were only a few Draxes before him, so he had to put his own spin with the character.
Co-executive producer Eric Radomski revealed to the ComicBookResources that the "Guardians of the Galaxy" animated series was intentionally planned in advance — 18 months prior to the film. Should the big-screen premiere become successful, the idea was for the animated series to come in right away.
The exciting part about making this series of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" is that the cast gets to have the chance to record together, unlike most of the major animated film series. There are occasions, though, where they'd get to record on their own.
"Guardians of the Galaxy" animated series will premiere tomorrow, Sept. 26, 9:30 p.m. on Disney XD, the A.V. Club reported.
The series' behind-the-scenes footage: