"Wolverine 3" is slated to be released on March 3, 2017, and this movie happens to be the "X-Men's" spin-off film where Hugh Jackman will be making his final appearance. Since this is going to be his last movie as Logan, the Aussie actor wanted it to live up to expectations.
Jackman, who in the past, had been hesitant about reprising his role for the third standalone "Wolverine" film, is the only actor who got to play Logan, and he did it astoundingly for the past 14 years. Although he has already announced his involvement for "Wolverine 3," he said that he would not start shooting unless the script is perfect.
"I'm sounding a little cagey because this is the last time I'm playing him, and I have just made the commitment to myself, really, and told everyone that until that script is perfect, until it is that perfect way to sign out, I'm not gonna start shooting," he said during an interview with Collider.
"So that's why I don't wanna say 'Yes' for sure, because until Page 115, 120, whatever it is..." he continued. During the same interview, Jackman said that the script, which currently has 60 pages, was not fully done yet.
Despite what he said, the "Pan" actor revealed that the plan would be to start filming next year. He also confirmed that he started doing some preparations mentally and physically — eating and some training.
The "Wolverine 3" actor wanted to see the never-before-seen pseudo father-son relationship of Professor X and his character, the Inquisitr has learned.
The commitment and respect for the source material Jackman and director James Mangold are showing impressed many of the fans. As per Unleash The Fanboy, he and the director are clearly trying to make "Wolverine 3" special.
"I really have known for quite a long time how I want to finish this sort of odyssey that I've been on, this amazing journey," he said. "And I won't let it fall anywhere in between."