Two years after Paris Jackson stunned the world by attempting suicide, the 17-year-old daughter of the late King of Pop Michael Jackson is now all grown up with a healthy mental and emotional condition. In fact, she has taken social media by surprise with her new and edgy hair makeover, Us Weekly revealed.
Recently, Paris Jackson flaunted her fresh new look, sporting her red ombré hair color, as she explored the Calabasas neighborhood in California. While she was seen without her footballer boyfriend Chester Castellaw, Paris' Instagram was filled with their photos and have been spotted several times since they became an item last summer, E! News noted.
Despite what Paris Jackson has been through, particularly her father's death more than six years ago, she is now more happy, healthy and definitely in love. And after her rehab stint at a treatment center in Utah in 2013, the only daughter of the King of Pop seems to have adjusted well in living her teenage life.
"She is doing a lot better," a source said. "She is getting back to normal."
While Paris Jackson continues to receive support from her family, especially from her siblings Prince Michael and Blanket, many can't help but notice the remarkable change in her since delivering an emotional eulogy at her father's funeral.
"She seems good, definitely better than before," another source said. "She seems a lot more mature, confident and at peace with herself."
Meanwhile, as for Paris Jackson's love life, The Hollywood Gossip claimed that she had gotten secretly engaged to her 18-year-old soccer superstar boyfriend Chester Castellaw. However, the rumor has never been confirmed yet. But whatever is going on in her life, she appears happier than ever. As a matter of fact, she is also starting to come out of her shell more compared to the timid girl the public once knew.
In spite facing many hardships in her teenage life and much negativity in the world, Paris Jackson is now transitioning with incredible grace and proved that her "total transformation" she's undergone in the past two years was all worth it.
Check out Paris Jackson's Instagram account for her latest makeover.