Morris Chestnut's procedural crime series "Rosewood" is one of the newest television shows that premiered this fall. And as "Rosewood" Season 1 Episode 2 delves deeper into the life of Dr. Beaumont "Rosie" Rosewood Jr. (Chestnut), more interesting crimes will surface that might challenge one of FOX's hottest heartthrobs.
While the pilot episode began with the scenic view of Miami beaches and a glimpse of Dr. Rosewood's shirtless physique, "Rosewood" Season 1 Episode 2 will test the chemistry of Rosie and Det. Annalise Villa (Jaina Lee Ortiz) as they attempt to solve a crime involving a wealthy Miami man, TV Guide noted.
As Chestnut takes over Miami crime scenes with his overflowing swag and style, here are 3 latest scoops about "Rosewood" Season 1 Episode 2.
1. Rosewood's romantic pursuits clash with his mom's demands?
While Pippy (Gabrielle Dennis) suspects her brother has a thing for Det. Villa as TV Line revealed, Rosie's pursuits for romance might clash with her mom's (Donna, played by Lorraine Toussaint) demands. But since Villa and Rosie helped solved the case of her former student, she might not get in between her son's attraction to the new detective.
2. Det. Annalise Villa's secret revealed!
Villa's past seemed to have been a mystery in "Rosewood" Season 1 Episode 1, she revealed toward the end that her sad Miami homecoming was because of the sudden death of her husband one random morning nine months ago. And with Episode 2, we might see more of Annalise's life as unexpected twists start to unravel.
Rosie, on the other hand, has its own secret to tell. Because of a congenital heart defect, he has maybe a decade left to live.
3. "Rosewood" Season 1 Episode 2 Synopsis
"When an unexpected piece of evidence surfaces in the 305, Rosewood and Villa attempt to solve a serious crime involving a very well-off Miami man," the upcoming episode titled, "Fireflies and Fidelity," synopsis read. "Meanwhile, Rosewood struggles to balance a new romantic interest with the demands of his mother, and Villa runs into trouble on the job."
In other news, "Rosewood's" Morris Chestnut revealed to Entertainment Weekly the most challenging part of taking the role of Rosie.
"The first and foremost in terms of work is the workload of doing an hour-long drama where you're the lead of a show," Chestnut said. "It's also challenging to keep my energy up... Rosewood is very happy and very outgoing. With this character, there will be days I come to work with a lot of energy, and then by lunchtime, it's gone. [Laughs] I have to keep it up."
Catch "Rosewood" Season 1 Episode 2 on Sept. 30, Wednesday, at 8 p.m. on FOX. Meanwhile, watch the trailer below.