Man Bun: University Explains Why This Hairstyle Trend Was Banned From Their Campus

Man bun didn't pop up casually, according to Man Bun Hairstyle. Plenty of long-haired men have styled their hairs like these over the years.

Hollywood stars such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Colin Farrell, Brad Pitt, Jason Momoa, Kit Harington, Orlando Bloom, Jared Leto, Harry Styles, and Chris Hemsworth were seen wearing this trendy hairstyle, as per

Apparently, this hair trend was banned at Brigham Young University's Idaho campus not because it can contribute to receding hairlines, baldness toward temples and breakage. It was because the campus considered man bun as an extreme hairstyle, Cosmopolitan learned.

Tyler Barton, Student Honor Administrator at BYU, told the Scroll that this extreme hairstyle was something that strays from the norm.

"As part of the dress and grooming code, we commit to avoid extreme hairstyles," Kevin Miyasaki, Student Services and Activities Vice President, added. "A 'man-bun' would be considered not consistent with this standard."

In fact, the Honor Office started implementing this and those who do violate the Honor Code will receive disciplinary action, USA Today found out.

The Honor Code, as per the report of MTV News, mandates that the hairstyle of men should be neat and clean. It further states that students should avoid extreme styles of colors and trimmed above the collar leaving the ear uncovered, in addition to prohibiting beards.

"I think there's a difference between being stylish and appropriate," Marivi Lugo, a junior taking up communications said, defending the Honor Code.

"We have an honor code for a reason, and if we don't have people enforcing it, then what's the point of the Honor Code?" Lugo said.

Man bun, as explained by Man Bun Hairstyle, pertains to a particular placing of a bun on a male's head as a trendy hairstyle. While some find these really cool and okay, there are some that find it extreme.

What's your stand about man bun, guys? Should it be banned in other campuses too?

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