PepsiCo announced on Monday that it will be releasing Pepsi Perfect. This is the same soda that Marty McFly, played by Michael J. Fox, drank in the movie "Back to the Future II."
The limited edition soda bottle will be available in the U.S. on Oct. 21, which, according to the report of CNN, is the same date that McFly and Doctor Emmett Brown, played by Christopher Lloyd, travelled to the future in the film released on 1989.
"Fans have always been a little crazy about it," PepsiCo's senior director of marketing Lou Arbetter said, referring to the scene where a Pepsi Perfect is delivered to Fox's character through a futuristic tube.
"So we wanted to take advantage of the fact that Marty travelled to the future, to this month, and wanted to actually come out with the product," Arbetter added.
Pepsi is planning to make 6,500 Pepsi Perfect collectible bottles, and will be sold until supplies last. Each bottle costs $20.15 — reportedly less pricey compared to the one the Dr. Brown gave to McFly in the film, which was $50.
Each bottle will come in 16.9 ounce, which is the same size as the one the Fox's McFly ordered at Hill Valley's futuristic "Café 80's."
While Pepsi Perfect doesn't have a new flavor, there will be a more traditional Pepsi-made soda, with Real Sugar. It will be available online, but Pepsi is advising fans to pay closer attention to the company's social media pages on the release day for details on how it can be purchased, USA Today learned.
This coming New York Comic Con, which will be held at the Javits Center, Pepsi will be sponsoring a "Back to the Future II"-themed panel discussion.
Each day at the conference, the first 200 fans who will come dressed like Marty McFly will be given their own Pepsi Perfect, as per The Hollywood Reporter.