[AMAZING] Decapitated Toddler's Head Reattached By Doctors After Horrific Car Crash [WATCH VIDEO]

Decapitated toddler’s head reattached? Yes, you read it right and it’s amazing!

Doctors have miraculously reattached Little Jackson Taylor’s decapitated head to his neck and now the toddler is on his way to recovery.

Express reported that Jackson Taylor, 16-month-old toddler, travelling with his mother Rylea and 9-year-old sister Shayne, sustained the horrible injuries after the vehicle they were in had a head-on collision with another car. The force from the crash was so strong that it decapitated the toddler’s head from his neck.

The horrific car crash happened in New South Wales, Australia last Sept. 15. Rylea Taylor related she was driving at around 110 mph at a highway bend when the accident happened. She told Channel 7 News Melbourne, “The second I pulled him out, I knew that his neck was broken.”

The toddler was swiftly airlifted to a Melbourne hospital where X-ray results revealed his head and neck had been separated. The injury which is often fatal and rare, also known as Atlanto-Occipital Dislocation — internal decapitation involving the skull being fully disconnected from the spine.

Fortunately, the toddler was under the skillful hands of Dr. Geoff Askin, dubbed as Australia’s spinal surgeries “Godfather.” He remarked, “A lot of children wouldn’t survive that injury in the first place, and if they did and if they were resuscitated they may never move or breathe again.”

Medical Daily has learned that the decapitated toddler’s head reattachment took around six hours and involved using a wire and a part of the boy’s rib to fix his vertebrae back together. Jackson Taylor has been doing well several weeks after the surgery. He may even be leaving the hospital within the next week.

Meanwhile, Jackson Taylor wears a metal “halo” to maintain stability which may be removed eight weeks after the amazing surgery. Mom Rylea also pressed on with a petition to change Australia’s driving laws on change.org, as per Mirror.

Watch the video below and be amazed on the reeattached decapitated toddler’s head story.

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