'Rock Band 4' Review: Time For Rockstar Reunion, Crazy Good Fun

"Rock Band 4" is about to return to your respective consoles so ready your fake plastic instruments as it's time to act like a Rock star and have some crazy good fun.

After five years of hiatus, the "Rock Band" franchise returns with a bang, letting you experience what it feels like to be a hardcore rocker, even at the comfort of your own living room.

As reported by Denver Post, "Rock Band 4," Harmonix's latest musical rhythm game, is going to make you call up your buddies and jam with your "Rock Band instruments."

What made the original game popular is that, despite its easy controls, you can still genuinely feel the "ROCK" spirit coursing through your veins. It's so simple that anyone who has a sense of rhythm, even without instrumental skills, can join in the game.

It's simply the best party game around. Bringing the previous games youthful energy, you and your friends will be playing this for hours and hours.

In a similar report by Yahoo! Tech, "Rock Band 4" channels all the positive vibes and sense of camaraderie of the past "Rock Band" titles. And one major selling point of this game? It makes geeks feel like real rock stars.

The latest "Rock Band" game will be available in both the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4. If you're worrying that your old "gear" from previous gen consoles won't work, you're in for a treat because Harmonix announced that old instruments are compatible with the new game.

As reported by Games Radar, both the "Rock Band" edition Fender Stratocaster Guitar and the drums will work just fine on the new consoles. However, for the Xbox version, there are reports that you need to buy a $25 adapter for your old Xbox 360 controls to work.

Although buying new band instruments is not required, the new versions of the equipment are still worth checking out as they will be getting a nifty upgrade.

"Rock Band 4" is available in Best Buy for a "Band-in-a-box Box" bundle for $249. The bundle includes the game, a guitar and a drum set, while the "guitar only" pack costs $129.

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