Lindsay Lohan SLAMMED For #2020 Presidential Race Twitter & Instagram Posts Using #QueenElizabeth, #KanyeWest2020, @BarackObama & More

Is Lindsay Lohan serious when she announced on social media that she's running for president in 2020? She hasn't confirmed anything yet, but the "Mean Girls" star has been receiving a lot of backlash for her Instagram and Twitter posts.

On Friday, Lohan surprised her followers when she revealed that like Kanye West, she is also looking at the 2020 presidential election as her key to making big changes in the county.

According to Us Weekly, the 29-year-old actress took to Instagram to share a throwback snap of herself when she attended the 2012 White House Correspondents Dinner.

Alongside the Instagram photo, Lohan expressed her plan to run for the top government position writing: "In #2020 I may run for president. Through ups and downs #YESWECAN lets do this @kanyewest #truespirits thank your for inspiring us to be better people @barackobama #kanyewest2020
#lindsaylohanat35 #lindsaylohan2020 with #34yearsofEXPERIENCE
#unitingWORLDnations @aliforneycenter @savethesociety @unicef."

Lindsay's announcement came just two months after Kim Kardashian's husband Kanye West announced at the 2015 MTV VMAs that he is also looking into running for the presidential post in the election after the upcoming one in 2016, as per Entertainment Weekly.

Lohan, who has been staying in London for some time now, added another post minutes later. Her follow-up was a snap of her and Kanye, and she captioned it "The first thing I would like to do as president of is take care of all of the children suffering in the world. #queenELIZABETH showed me how by having me in her country."

Lindsay also shared her posts to her nine million Twitter followers. And though it isn't clear if Lohan is indeed serious with her posts, many quickly took to social media to slam the controversial Hollywood star.

One user @geniebabe32wrote: "Smoking crack again? Looking pretty smelly, like The Love Ranch kind of smelly. #Nimrod."

Another Twitter user @vendettaismine commented: "What country? You've been run out on a rail in the US. #Delusions run deep in this one."

Additionally, @mb103051 remarked: "Yea thats what kids need a has been drug addict alcoholic taking care of kids.u need to work on yourself first."

If Lohan is indeed serious, there's going to be one big problem that will hinder her from joining the presidential race — her age. Apparently, one needs to be 35 years of age to run for president, and Lohan would only be 34 by that time.

West on the other hand appears to be serious with this ambitious move since he confirmed to Vanity Fair that he is "definitely" looking forward to the 2020 presidential election though he admitted that he has "a lot of research to do, I've got a lot of growing up to do."

Do you think Lindsay Lohan is really running for The Oval Office? Sound off in the comments section below.

Lindsay Lohan, Kanye West, Barack Obama