"Jane The Virgin," the hit comedy series on The CW, continues its outrageous twists and amusing theatrics from season 1. Will episodes from season 2 finally find Jane no longer a virgin?
The multi-awarded comedy kicked off its second season on Oct. 12 with lead character Jane Villanueva, played by Gina Rodriguez, struggling through the complexities of being a mother.
Just to give you a brief recap, "Jane The Virgin" season 1 closed with Jane giving birth to a son who was kidnapped on the same day by Rose, also known as Sin Rostro, the mastermind villain.
The first half of "Jane The Virgin" second season's premiere episode entitled "Chapter Twenty-Three" got The New York Times' stamp of approval since aside from dealing with Jane's son's kidnapping quickly instead of drawing it out over several episodes, it also covered the very relatable topic of motherhood. We saw Jane's son Mateo finally given back to her which led to a different form of crisis as the innocent Jane now has to deal with rather ordinary but ironically tough concerns of being a new mom, like breastfeeding and possible lack of maternal instincts.
Will "Jane The Virgin Chapter Twenty-Four" give us as much excitement?
Design&Trend confirmed that there's definitely so much more! We will be greeted by not only one, but TWO Janes on "Chapter Twenty-Four," as she tries to deal with two men — baby daddy Rafael Solano (played by Justin Baldoni) and ex-boyfriend Michael Cordero (played by Brett Dier) — who will both be fighting for her affection.
TV Line predicts that in the final episode of season 2, "the titular heroine will get hitched," though not really certain with whom, and added that Jane will "lose her virginity as the title becomes 'Jane the Virgin.'"
But it seems like we won't have to wait long as the promo reel for tonight's episode ended with Jane number two, who revealed herself as "Petra Jane," advising Jane number one to "give him the rose and have sex with him."
Will it finally happen tonight? Don't miss "Jane The Virgin" season 2 episode 2 entitled "Chapter Twenty-Four" airing tonight at 9/8c on The CW.