"Awkward," the comedy series from MTV explores sensitive issues about Mother-Daughter relationships in season 5, episode 7 entitled "The Big Reveal."
The usual teen drama is not just about school and romantic relationships. The last episode from "Awkward" showed us how parents basically add more drama into a teenager's life. Here's a recap of the fairly awkward and complicated moments between moms and daughters in "The Big Reveal."
First off, while Jenna was choosing what to wear for her big revelation following her "Sex and the City-inspired" dream, came mom Lacey and dad Kevin with an envelope bearing the sex of their soon-to-be second child.
But opening the envelope was not enough as mom proceeded to tell Jenna about the "gender reveal party" idea that Jenna found herself volunteering to organize. Just as her mom was getting excited, telling Jenna that she "wanted to make this one special," the conversation turned sour as the self-absorbed Jenna made it about her and whined, "I'm sorry I was so unspecial."
Next up we found Jenna telling her mom that she still has feelings for ex-boyfriend Matty but unexpectedly, her mom did not seem so supportive which upset sensitive Jenna. Then her mom proceeded to evasively advise her that, "Sometimes, it's just best to move on." She then tried to switch the conversation back to the gender reveal party to which Jenna replied, "...Sorry to bore you with my life."
It gets more uncomfortable just before the party as Lacey finally revealed her own secret that she told Matty to leave Jenna alone during spring break. This, of course, led to a big argument wherein Jenna accused her mom of interfering, giving all her mom's good intentions no second thought.
And the back talking did not end there. While the still mad Jenna tried to stop her mom from leaving her own party, another heated conversation started, and ended with Jenna hurting her mom with words, as The Workprint quoted, "For someone who wants to control every little thing, including who can and can't talk to me, there's one thing you can't seem to get a grasp on... birth control."
And it's not just Lacey and Jenna with issues. The Entertainment Weekly recap wrote about another mom and daughter duo, Darlene and Sadie, who hit the downward slope on their already fragile relationship. Sadie finally agreed to meet her mom's boyfriend over lunch, in an effort to patch up their relationship. But just when Sadie thought her mom has changed, she discovered that her mom told the new boyfriend so many lies about her relationship with Sadie in order to appear like a model mom.
Check out what's in store for "Awkward" Season 5 Episode 8 this week. Catch "Awkward" on MTV on Monday nights at 9/8c.