'Fallout 4' Controller & Other Exclusive Collectibles On Sale; Pip-Boy Edition Sold Out — Again?

"Fallout 4" controller, other exclusive merchandise and collectibles are on sale on Bethesda's online store. Tech Times learned that this Xbox One blue-yellow schemed controller with thumbs upping Vault Boy on the right side will be available today.

The site additionally learned that "Fallout 4" controller has special icons not seen on standard ones. The wired controller is missing the usual headset adapter port, instead it has a 3.5 mm audio jack.

Bethesda will only be selling 5,000 units, so if you want one, you'll have to act fast.

Other than the Xbox One controller, Bethesda's online store is also offering an exclusive Great War 2015 T-shirt if you pre-order Bethesda's upcoming game. If you only want the shirt, it's available for this week until Oct. 26 at $16, GameZone reported.

Remember the "Fallout" Anthology? If you place an order — priced at $50, the item includes a "Fallout," "Fallout 2," "Fallout Tactics," "Fallout 3" Game of the Year Edition and "Fallout New Vegas" Ultimate Edition — before Monday for this merchandise, Bethesda will be sending it to your doorstep, free from shipping charges.

"Fallout 4" Vault Dweller's Survival guide can be ordered at $30, while its Collector's Edition is priced at $40. Apparently, all hoodies being sold in the store are also discounted.

"Fallout 4" art book of reportedly around 5,000 units will be available on Friday, while the Vault-Tec watches, with limited 1,500 units, will be available on Thursday. Tomorrow, Wednesday, the Pip-Boy messenger bag will reportedly become available.

Talking about Pip-Boy, remember that earlier this year Pip-Boy Edition was announced? Pre-orders were taken, and it sold out like hot cakes.

Recently, it reappeared on Bethesda's store. Unfortunately, GameSpot found out that it's sold out — again.

Whether Bethesda will make it available soon remains uncertain. For now, those who would like to get it will probably need to wait on Ebay.

"Fallout 4" will be released on Nov. 10 for PC, Xbox One and PS4.