‘Flash’ Season 2 Episode 5: Is Reverse Flash Back? Or Can Barry Trust Earth 2 Wells? [FREE ONLINE STREAM LINK]

Confusion strikes in "Flash" Season 2 Episode 5 now that Earth 2's Harrison Wells is with Barry Allen and his team. Although the very familiar face continues to haunt the protagonist of the show, he and the rest are still torn with the idea that the Wells they have now may or may not be the devilish one from the previous arc.

In a sneak peek the show dropped on its official Facebook page on Monday, Barry Allen and Joe could be seen discussing their thoughts on who could be the person behind the new Dr. Wells — the one from Earth 2. It appears that in this scene, Joe does not believe that the Wells in their midst is not the fatal Reverse Flash. Thus, Barry tries to convince Iris' father that he should not jump into conclusions right away and think that the Reverse Flash is back.

"I know this is a lot to take in, but that guy back in that room that's not Wells," Barry tells Joe in the clip. Joe, who is obviously taken aback, says that he would not want to consider the idea that Wells is alive. However, Barry tries to reassure the other once again by claiming that the Wells they have now is someone else. He even adds, "He says he's here to help us stop Zoom."

Nevertheless, Barry has not forgotten the fact that the Reverse Flash killed his mother, so he admits to Joe that he is now resisting the urge to kill Earth 2's Wells. At the end of their conversation, Joe quips that he just wants at least a week wherein he and the rest are not going to be surprised by the people from their past.

In a different preview clip, an interaction between Barry and the new Harrison is featured. It seems that Wells is serious when he tells Barry that he came to Earth 1 to meet Barry in hopes of stopping Zoom, who has already infected his world. At the end of the clip, Dr. Wells admits to Barry that he has everything to do with Zoom since he is responsible for the creation of the latter.

Despite the confusing state they are experiencing upon the arrival of Earth 2's Dr. Harrison Wells, Barry may still have the time to get some romantic action. As per Comicbook, Barry and Patty are going out for a special date in "Flash" Season 2 Episode 5. Hopefully, Zoom will not be on their way.

According to TVGuide, the synopsis of "Flash" Season 2 Episode 5 goes like this: "Barry learns a new breacher, Dr. Light, has come through the portal and sets off to capture her. During a fight with the Flash, she blinds him and drops some shocking news about Zoom. Meanwhile, Barry and Patty go out on a date."

The guest stars appearing in this week's "Flash episode include Shantel VanSanten, who plays Patty, Teddy Sears as Jay Garrick, and many more.

Don't miss tonight's episode. Watch "Flash" Season 2 Episode 5 entitled "The Darkness and the Light" by tuning in to The CW. In case you can't catch it on your TV screens, here are the free online stream links. You may watch it here or here.

You may also directly watch it via The CW's online stream service for its shows which works an hour after the episode airs on its time slot. If you chose the latter, click here.

The Flash, Free Online Stream Link, Watch Online, The CW, Fall TV