Good Morning America’s Sam Champion woke up with smiles as him and his partner Rubem Robierb announced their engagement. They were overwhelmed with support and well wishes for their big day and future life together.
The couple came on Monday’s program to talk about their wedding and express their gratefulness for the love and support they received.
"The amazing response from folks all over the country was just incredible for us," Champion gushed on the show.
"I felt like we lived in a small town...I was born in Paducah, Ky., and to me that's exactly what it felt like. We walked out on the street and everyone was like, 'Hey, congratulations.'"
Other celebrities and the social media realm were also packed with congratulations: "Thank you for the tweets, and the Facebook and just coming up on the street and saying the most wonderful things."
"You know how thrilled I am for you, @SamChampion and Rubem! Hope to be well enough to attend the wedding. Much love to you both."
"I want to congratulate Sam," Affleck expressed. "It's to our shame that you can't get married in every state in the union, but one day I hope you will be able to. It's very exciting. I was very inspired…a moving, love story."