29 year old, Alexis Wright, a Zumba fitness instructor and prostitute has now become the center of a celebrity sex controversy. Her partner, 57-year-old Mark Strong, is also facing looking at a series of charges for upkeeping a prostitution ring out of her fitness studio. Strong has pleaded not guily to the 59 counts against him as Wright has likewise the same for the overwhelming 106 counts facing her.
The identities of Wright’s clients have now been released. The case has ignited much curiosity, repulsion and scandal. The public is astounded at the amount of shaming sex tapes and scandals, such as the recent Hulk Hogan sex tape. Equally offending to public sensibilities is the fact that Wright used her studio as a haven for another kind of business of questionable repute.
A slew of names has been found on her client list, revealing many were renowned names and figures. Fathers, TV personality, reputed and successful attorneys and community leaders and “role models” of society, such as doctors and town officials are all implicated.
Wright apparently kept detailed records of her business exchanges with her clients and even videotaped them. The videotapes were sometimes made without the knowledge or consent of her clients, an even more egregious violation of privacy and an affront to individual dignity.
According to ABC 7 News, the men ranged from 34 to 65 years old. The same source has informed that the police estimated htat the "sex
sex acts generated $150,000 over 18 months." The judge upheld the state law safeguarding the privacy of the clients and the confidentiality of information and content on the videotapes. Apparently, the videotapes were not only pornographic in nature, yet included strip, masturbation and multiple partner sex.
"The fact is that by releasing names only, you're getting a lot of false positives. You're implicating people who may be completely innocent and simply share the same or similar names with people charged, and that's a real harm," Schutz informed The Associated Press.
The entire event has taken the whole small town of 10 000 aback.