Rev. Jesse Jackson shared Matthews’ sentiment regarding the presidential and vice presidential debates. He was equally disappointed and dismayed that the debates did not touch upon poverty and other concerning issues such as gun violence.
“[In] each of three debates, [the candidates] spent an enormous amount of time arguing about reconciling 5 trillion dollars, a number so vast it’s incomprehensible,” he said in an interview with POLITICO. “They’re arguing about the 5 trillion dollars and the tax plan but not about the impact of foreclosed housing driving the middle class into poverty.” (
“With their questions, if you have a debate in Denver, how can you miss semi-automatic weapons in Aurora, which is [near] Denver and Columbine?” Jackson said, a reference to shootings that occurred in both places. “How can you have a debate in Kentucky and don’t mention poverty?”
Jackson reiterated that such pressing topics plaguing the Nation should have been at the forefront of the debates. Ironically, the vice presidential debate took palce in Kentucky, which also happens to be the poorest county in the United States.
“Not one moderator has raised the issue of poverty or the issue of low credit scores,” he said. “Fifty million people are in poverty. Another 50 million are ‘unbankable’ — they have a credit score so low they can’t borrow money for the bank…they go to the worst schools, have the fewest life options…yet from that group comes our soldiers. That’s where the 47 percent resides.” (
“The most glaring omission from the discussion is, you can conceivably win the debate and lose the election because of the impact of voter suppression and roll purging,” he continued. “The right to vote…preserves all the rights in our democracy. Those rights are under attack. . .[There’s] an attempt to disrupt the democracy through voter suppression.” (
Jackson is still a supporter of Obama and has not lost hope.