Chris Matthews :Why Poverty is Not Being Discussed in Presidential Debates?

The subject of poverty and the poor have been unmentioned and latently omitted from the presidential debates. Chris Matthews, host for MSNBC surely was not shy to bring that to attention. He further predicted that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan would make decisions based upon “religious theory” and comparatively aligned their views as being synonymous with “Shariah” law.

““Whatever that means,” Matthews continued, as reported first by the website NewsBusters. “An egg that had just been fertilized, right after sex, if you will.”” (Fox News)
“And to have that notion that that would be a person under this personhood thing that Ryan’s pushing, and under the 14th Amendment rights, the platform that Romney’s running on. This is extremism. I say (to the) center right tonight -- it's almost like Shariah."

Matthew is convinced that Romney and Ryan would “operate under a religious theory, under a religious belief. We're going to run our country this way, to the point of making a woman's decision to have an abortion, her reproductive rights, as criminal, perhaps murderous.”

Matthews continues to say that: “I think it’s the hottest issue that’s not been exploited. And I use that positively, exploited. I don’t know how this president can’t bring it up tonight. Because there’s a grand canyon of difference between Obama, who’s very pro-choice, and, for example, the Republican ticket this year, which would give 14th amendment rights, whatever that means, life, liberty, and property rights, to a fetus that had just been — or rather, an egg that had just been fertilized, right after sex, if you will. And to have that notion that that would be a person under this personhood thing that Ryan’s pushing, and under the 14th Amendment rights, the platform that Romney’s running on. This is extremism! I say center right tonight; it’s almost like Sharia. You’re saying to the country, we’re going to operate under a religious theory, under a religious belief. We’re going to run our country this way, to the point of making a woman’s decision to have an abortion, her reproductive rights, as criminal, perhaps murderous.” (

Matthews demonstrated that the pressing issues of poverty has not been discussed and that he it is offensive to public sensibilities and expectations that their President would not bring the topic up. As such, the excluded perspective of historically disadvantaged groups, such as poor people and those who straddle in-between are being continually sidelined and overlooked.

MSNBC has not commented.

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