Chris Matthews expose Republicans theocratic conspiracy and Ryan's abortion stance to 'Sharia' law

MSNBC's news anchor and political commentator Chris Matthews went on a rant against Paul Ryan over his pro-life views, comparing them to Sharia Law during his preview to the Tuesday night presidential debate.

Matthew made the remarks in a discussion that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan if elected would run the country according to a "religious theory" and implement their own kind of Sharia Law- a divine law practiced by radical Islamists.  

Chris Matthews points out that there is a grand canyon of difference between President Obama who's very pro-choice and, for example, the Republican ticket this year, which would give 14th amendment rights, whatever that means, life, liberty, and property rights, to a fetus that had just been - or rather, an egg that had just been fertilized, right after sex, if you will.

He goes on saying "to have that notion that would be a person under this personhood thing that Ryan's pushing, and under the 14th Amendment rights, the platform that Romney's running on. This is extremism! I say center right tonight; it's almost like Sharia. You're saying to the country, we're going to operate under a religious theory, under a religious belief. We're going to run our country this way, to the point of making a woman's decision to have an abortion, her reproductive rights, as criminal, perhaps murderous".

What is your stance? should a woman's reproductive right be ruled out? or ban birth control? otherwise even allow all rape babies be brought to term? give us your opinion. It is a highly debatable issue, whether Obama's pro-choice or Ryan's pro-life stance, it goes beyond the American presidential debate, beyond the American concept. It is about a 'right'.    

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