Kate Middleton Infuriates Queen Elizabeth For Breaking Royal Christmas Traditions? Duchess Of Cambridge Will Not Dine With The Queen On Christmas Day [RUMORS]

Kate Middleton is at the center of rumors in the royalty circle and it's because she was breaking centuries old holiday protocols of the English royals. On Christmas Day, she had other things planned for her family — George, Charlotte and Prince William. They will not be staying at the palace for the traditional lunch which will be followed by the highlight of Royal Christmas day — sitting in to watch the Queen's speech scheduled at 3 p.m.

Kate Middleton together with husband and kids will not dine with the Queen or hear her speech as they will be heading straight to the Middleton's after attending the morning mass with the majestic matriarch. With this move, the Duchess of Cambridge is slowly changing how the crowned families should celebrate the most festive time of the year — celebrating it the commoner's way is way better.

And apparently, Queen Elizabeth is not pleased. CDL stated that Prince William's grandma is furious that Kate and her family are taking over the holiday feast again this year. While the Middletons will surely set up a lavish celebration, the publication relayed that the royal matriarch is not happy with the fact that Carole Middleton is influencing Prince George and Princess Charlotte with her commoner ways.

By the British royalty textbook, Kate's decision to spend Christmas day with her family was a fearless move for it is clear that she is not afraid of breaking away from the inherited traditions of the royals which the family adhered to for many generations.

Since the Victorian period, the royals have always followed Christmas traditions so it's the same every year. For them, it is a formal occasion and not fun for the royal kids at all.

Moreover, while the common kids around world are opening gifts on midnight of Dec. 24, stuffing themselves with sweets and running around the house, high with the spirit of Yuletide season, kids in the royal home must play by the rules. They must stay prim and proper and go along with the age-old concept of an ideal Christmas which include stiff suits, going to church and they can't expect any presents because there's none.

The gifts have all been unwrapped the day before Christmas Eve so all that's left on the day itself is time for church and lots of ‘royal duties' thus it can considered as work day as well.

Kate Middleton is determined to let her children grow up with normal lives as much as possible. She wants them to experience the full color of living without the fuss of being royals, and celebrating Christmas the ‘normal' way is one of those things that she would like for them to experience

What's Prince William's take on this issue?

The prince is actually happy and excited that Prince George will get to have fun this coming festivities. On his interview with Big Issue which was published on PEOPLE, the gentleman said: "If I get any sleep on Christmas Eve it'll be good. We'll go to church as a family on Christmas Day as we always do."

As for spending the day out of the palace, the prince said that, "George will be bouncing around like a rabbit." He added that it would be nice if they can get white Christmas because they haven't had one in a long time.

Lastly, the Prince William stressed that he's looking forward to Christmas day saying: "It's a very different experience at Christmas, having a family of your own."

Kate Middleton, Kate Middleton Prince William, Prince William, Queen Elizabeth