iOS 9.2 UPDATES: What To Expect From Apple's Latest Release

Apple's iOS 9.2 was freshly updated Dec. 8 and has quite a few modifications to the operating system and outward-facing innovation tweaks over its predecessor, iOS 9 and iOS 9.1.

The iOS 9.2 is the second extensive update to iOS 9 and has a couple of list of improvements and bug fixes to apps and features like Apple Music, Mail, News, Safari, Podcasts, iBooks and a lot more.

Here's what to expect from Apple's iOS 9.2 latest release.

Apple Music

In a report by MacRumors, Apple's iOS 9.2 has a number of small tweaks to Apple Music to discard assorted pain points. For example, when songs are added to a playlist, it's now available to create a fresh playlist other than having to utilize an existing one plus, playlists are organized according to most recent revisions. Moreso, there are also distinct indicators for which tracks have been downloaded and by tapping the iCloud download icon or button, playlists or albums from iCloud Music Library can be downloaded. Apple Music's classical music catalog has been improved with composers, works and performers.

Apple News

iOS 9.2 brought updates for News app which included features designed to make it more enticing to both publishers and users. News will now contain lineup of top stories selected by Apple editors and released a "couple of times a day" as outlined by Re/code. Also, Apple is implementing unification with Comscore for publishers.

Apple iBooks

The iOS 9.2 update for iBooks would be greatly advantageous for iPhone 6s or iPhone 6S Plus users since it enables them to make use of the 3D Touch feature interspersed into the Apple iBooks app. Another update is the capability to hear an audiobook while reading other iBooks or browsing the iBooks store. Long press on the icon would allow you to get a glimpse of a few recently unlocked iBooks and its percentage completion. A long press on the notes, table of contents and bookmarks enables you to Peek and Pop what's inside, as per Forbes.

AT&T NumberSync

Apple's latest iOs 9.2 release gives an additional reinforcement for AT&T's NumberSync service, which is an augmentation of Wi-Fi calling. It is now achievable for AT&T users to make Wi-Fi calls with their iPads, Macs (with OS X El Capitan) and Apple Watches regardless of the presence of an iPhone nearby.

Meanwhile, GottaBeMobile revealed Apple's iOS 9.2 was a huge update. For iPhone 6s, your capacity should be near 270MB in order for the installation to be successful. Overall, upgrading to iOS 9.2 would take give or take 20 minutes to finish.

Would you update to iOS 9.2? Sound off below.

Apple, Apple Music, Apple News