Working From Home — Is It For You?

Working from home has been the trend for most individuals all over the world from some time now thanks to the advent of technology.

Working from home, however, is not for everyone. As such, if you are interested in trying it, you have to weigh the advantages and disadvantages if it will be feasible for you.

Here's a list of advantages and disadvantages of working from home:


1. Saves you gas and the hassle of going to the office.

When you're working from home, you don't need to get into your car and spend on gas. You don't need to experience the day to day traffic and trouble of having to get to your workplace on time.

2. No dress code enforced.

Naturally, when you're inside the house working, you don't need to prepare your ensemble. Your attire need not to be formal but rather you can dress down and be even in your nightgown while clicking on your computer and other devices.

3. Working from home saves expenses such as rent and utilities.

According to Entrepreneur, working from home saves expenses such as office rent, utilities and janitorial services.

4. Working from home gives you flexibility.

Aside from the flexibility to manage your own time, working from home also helps you determine lighting, environment, setting, temperature and mood or any framework that fits you best, as per Bayt.

5. Working from home means more time with the family and loved ones.

Probably the best advantage of working from home is to be near your family and children and be able to spend quality time with them.


1. Gives you the feeling of isolation.

The absence of your co-workers and a boss' physical presence may channel a negative vibe to you and lead to depression. Remember, if you're working from home, your time to make friends and meet other professionals is limited so you have to be more resourceful and creative in keeping in touch with your colleagues.

2. Distractions.

Yes, you do avoid distractions from the office but, working from home also has its share of interruptions from children, neighbours, family and friends who can disrupt your working hours. You have to set a limit or rule that although you're physically at home, there are a number of hours which you won't be available for disruption.

3. Difficulty in delineating the line between work and home.

Working from home offers you the temptation to take on household matters since you're in the house. You tend to multi-task and juggle work and cleaning the backyard or picking up groceries. It is essential to draw a mark between work and home so as to prevent both areas from taking a downturn.

4. Increased Pressure

Working from home may lead to increase in pressure to work on and on as there are no strict hours enforced. Add to that the feeling of needing to perform better so as to prove your abilities in this kind of work set-up. Most importantly, the loss of physical division between work and home may trigger the desire to work endlessly.

5. Needs to have a high sense of self-discipline

According to Lifehack, working from home can lead you to be complacent and succumb to slackness as there's no pressure to begin work at a fixed time or have a dress code. A person's productivity can greatly decrease if a high level of self-discipline is not observed.