Holiday Stress 2015: 5 Stress Management Tips For Entrepreneurs

The holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year. But it can also become a little crazy and stressful, especially for entrepreneurs. While booming sales at your business are understandably great, excessive stress is not. Thus, you need to give yourself some breathing room over the next few weeks. And this article will give you some practical stress management tips to beat or reduce holiday stresses and anxieties.

A little over one-third of business owners consider the holiday season to be a stressful time for the business. Aside from the normal stresses of running a business, there are concerns on year-end profitability, decisions about year-end bonuses, the cost and time involved in planning a business holiday party, and the desire to keep employees focused and motivated when they'd rather not be working. Additionally, business owners often spend more hours working during the holiday season, reducing the time they have for their own family holiday.

Unfortunately, entrepreneurs cannot completely avoid the holiday stresses. However, there are things you can do to reduce seasonal stress and to avoid losing your holiday cheer. So, give yourself more time to enjoy the holiday season and follow these 5 stress management tips:

1. Breathe and have a lifeline.

Taking short breaths or holding your breath all together has been a person's usual coping mechanism when stressed. Unfortunately, this improper breathing technique causes increased blood pressure and tensed muscles, which complicates stress more. So when you feel stressed, give yourself an opportunity to focus on your breathing. Learn breathing exercises and consider taking up meditation. Another important stress management tip is having a lifeline.

"If business is getting you down this holiday, phone a friend -- that is the reasons they are called friends," Entrepreneur suggested. "Sometimes, just the warm tone a friend's voice, an outside perspective, and a little advice may be enough to bring you back to reality."

2. Stay positive.

Even though this year has been quite challenging and tough for you and your business, try to stay positive. According to Forbes, optimism can be beneficial to one's health.

"Be open to new experiences and possibilities," the publication said. "Sometimes the best things in life are the most unexpected."

3. Take an analytical approach.

Since you're in the business world, make real-time data work to your advantage. Data can empower you to make decisions that help reduce any last-minute scrambles.

"Find out what sold well last year around this time, and make sure you have enough of that item in stock to avoid any inventory problems," said. "Look at which days and hours were your busiest last December, and use that information to plan your holiday hours and staffing."

4. Schedule a time-off for yourself.

Working 70 hours a week to run a business and get everything done for your family holiday will wear you down physically and emotionally. So, take a little time off for yourself.

"Believe it or not, your business won't come crashing down around you if you take a little personal time off," Business Know-How said. "If you have employees, be sure they know under what conditions they should contact you, and what situations they should handle on their own."

5. Remember to smile and laugh.

The simple act of smiling and laughing can have incredible health benefits, Business Insider noted. And remember, don't let the business stress of entrepreneurship ruin your whole Christmas season. Just breath, smile, laugh and appreciate the holiday season as a time for joy and cheer.

Aside from the tips mentioned above, the best way to manage your holiday stress is to remember what the holiday season is all about. Take a moment and reflect on everything you've been doing the past month or year. If they don't seem so holiday cheery, take another moment to realize that Christmas is the season of joy and giving. Remember, when you're feeling the true holiday spirit, you'll bring peace to the workplace and keep everyone's stress levels, including your own, down to a minimum.