Jack Dorsey Net Worth: Twitter, Square CEO Reveals Top Criteria For Applicants

While current Twitter celebrities Taj Mahal and Statue of Liberty welcoming the Eiffel Tower (La Tour Eiffel) to Twitter has set the world tittering and tweeting, Twitter CEO and cofounder Jack Dorsey - who is also founder and CEO at Square - has just dropped a gem of a tip to professionals all over the world. The tip concerns the most important thing that this CEO looks for in an applicant.

Obviously, Dorsey only personally conducts interviews for the top executives at his companies. The most critical question for him is: Why - Why work for Twitter? Why work for Square? The question seems simple enough, but in truth Dorsey is looking for that all-important ingredient in his applicants.

When he asks why, this is what Dorsey aims to find: "I look for passion. Only thing that can't be taught."

A candidate who exudes the right amount of earnestness for his companies will definitely make the CEO sit up and take notice. "Then I look for leadership and skill. Passion and purpose and principles first though!"

In truth, this is not a surprising fact to discover given that he was very public in stating that his businesses are like his own children. Even his personal life had mostly been stories of being inked on-and-off to Kate Greer and previous to that to Lily Cole.

Twitter was also conceptualised rather amazingly when a very young Dorsey stayed indoors most of the time during his growing years due to self-consciousness over his speech impediment. He spent his free time monitoring police scanners. HIs imagination was captured by the style of communication among police officers and this inspired him to develop his concept for microblogging.

The tireless and dauntless Dorsey has a current net worth of more than $1 billion at 39. This self-made billionaire made his first billion in 2012.

Twitter, Jack Dorsey