Why Snapchat Will Be a Big Threat to Twitter in 2016

Twitter will find some steep competition in 2016 and Justin Bieber enticing Beliebers to follow his 'rickthesizzler' Snapchat account is just one indicator. In fact, Snapchat, seems poised for big things in 2016. As Noah Mallin of MEC, social Media ads buyer for the likes of GoDaddy, Marriot, Renault, commends: "They seemed to finally solidify what they're offering to advfrertisers and tying together the video product, which is very exciting," he added.

The Information founder and editor Jessica Lessin believes that Snapchat would go public even before bigger companies as Uber, Airbnb, and Dropbox.

The photo-sharing app has indeed come a long way with a current count of about 100 million active users. Just a mere months ago, advertising and agency executives were unimpressed by Snapchat's shaky beginnings on ad sales. But the little-app-that-could has shaped up well since and has in fact designed target options for advertisers. Mallin says: "Clients are really interested ... things that they're looking for like the metrics that show success, understanding what the actual offering is, all of those things weren't really in place for most of this year. But they are falling into place in this quarter and I think as you go into first quarter and second quarter 2016, it's going to accelerate quite rapidly."

The threat to Twitter is becoming more and more real and Mallin explains why: "Twitter hasn't really built a compelling story around video, and Snapchat is tying themselves to events in a way that Twitter has as well. So that's where the real danger to another company is. I don't necessarily see them taking pieces of the pie away from Facebook or YouTube, but I do think it makes it a harder story for Twitter to tell about video."

Advertising revenue for Snapchat is reportedly to be in the $100 million mark and for Twitter at $569 million just for the past quarter.

Twitter, Justin Bieber, Uber, Facebook