Top 10 Names For Emma Watson's New Feminist Book Club, Watson Asked Help From Fans

Emma Watson is not only known for being the United Nations' Women Goodwill Ambassador recently posted on Twitter via her social media handle @EmWatson that she's starting a feminist book club. She does have one big dilemma - she doesn't have a name for it yet.

Watson sent out a distress call to all her fans on Twitter:

Hi Team, I want to start a feminist book club but so far have only brainstormed 'Feminist Book Club' and 'Emma Watson Book Club'.

I am almost certain there is a more inspiring name out there.... Does anyone have any thoughts ?! #Emma'sBookClub.

And her fans were ready to give the Harry Potter actress a hand.

Here are the top ten names for Emma Watson's book club as suggested by her loyal followers:

  1. The Femmalist - a fan described the title as having Emma's name, the word "list" and sounds like feminist.
  2. Reads and Deeds
  3. WOOLF : World Of Outstanding Literary Females - named after Virginia Wolf.
  4. Fantastic Books and Where to Find them - A humored spin from the Harry Potter book.
  5. S.P.E.W : Society for the Promotion of Empowered Women
  6. Hermione's Army - A fan's tribute to her Harry Potter days
  7. White Wine and Cats
  8. Watson Your Bookshelf? or Watson My Bookshelf? - I see what you did there.
  9. You Read Like A Girl -
  10. fEMMAnist Book Club - A clever spin on feminist and with Watson's name in it too.

In the trending Twitter thread, Watson wasn't shy about asking help from author J.K. Rowling either. Other famous supporters for the cause include Sophia Bush, footballer Amy Wambach and Kate Voegele.

Watson also promised to call on Taylor Swift to join.

The book club's name may not be final yet but there is already a book ready for discussion. Watson has elected the book titled My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem. The memoir focuses on Steinem's activist life.

She launched HeForShe, a UN Women Campaign that calls for men to advocate gender equality and her strong influence appeals to women, both young and old. This new move from Watson is another step to gender equality, posts indicated.

Harry potter, United Nations, Entertainment, Business