When we want something so badly, we invest so much and give it our everything. To be the best at work, we spend the majority of our time making sure everything we're expected to accomplish at the end of the day are achieved. We don't have time to lose.
If you are not yet in this stage, then it could be possible that your new year's resolution is headed towards this path. Award-winning life coach Stacia Pierce says, "career resolutions should be as important as health goals, family goals, and your bucket list."
To help you make this a reality, here are some suggestions:
Plan for career advancement.
Do not settle with what you have. Always strive to improve. Aim for a better nad brighter future. Jot down the steps in order for you to achieve this. Make them realistic and achievable. Set a time period. Work hard for it. "Setting personal goals to improve your skills and forecasting what it will take for you to get promoted will be very beneficial to you in the long run. ," Pierce said.
Step out of your comfort zone.
Pierce says that make sure this year you do something you haven't done before. Volunteer for a project. Help another department with their current tasks. Seek out a sideline job, if time permits.
Do not worry so much about the monetary value. Remember that additional experience boosts your resume and adds value to your career.
Learn something new.
In this competitive world where we live in, it is important that you learn a new skill regularly. Learning also will help you fight boredom. Take more risks and challenge yourself in terms of your career.
Get results
Don't just make it a plan or a resolution. Try and work your best to get results. This year, don't be a part of the numbers that don't get anything done. Instead, be part of the chosen few who actually make their resolutions come to life.