Periscope Live Video Streaming Now on Twitter, Tweet Live Through App

Twitter has begun integrating Periscope into it's main app. The company has announced that live broadcasts and replays from the video-streaming app will now play directly in tweets!

Periscope is a live video-streaming app. Now owned by Twitter, is a promising new form of social media feature for smart phone users. Periscope, which is available for iOS and Android, let's users watch and record broadcasts from mobile phones.

Because of today's ever-changing form of communication, Twitter is banking on the need for speedy social media real-time posting and the company is capitalizing on the increasing popularity of video uploads.

The company announces online...

We've always wanted to make it as easy as possible to watch and broadcast live video. See the world through someone else's eyes-that's been our mission since day one. Today, we're bringing this vision directly into Twitter

In the company's latest update, Twitter is making live broadcasts and replays available from Periscope directly into tweets. Periscope broadcasts will autoplay within the tweet making it convenient for social media users to interact using an integrated system.

Tapping the video on your phone enables the video to go on full screen mode. And an advantage for Twitter users? You don't even need to register on Periscope to see the videos.

This enables users to watch Periscope broadcasts without leaving the Twitter app.

Twitter purchased Periscope back in March 2015, grabbing the opportunity to capitalize on the app's strengths. Periscope was awarded as Apple's App of the Year which makes it a big opportunity for Twitter to regain confidence from Wall Street investors eversince it slowed down on user growth and a depressing forecast last year.

Twitter is starting off with the iOS version within the week. The Android and web versions are also in the works but there is no definite date yet, as posted on Twitter's blog.

Twitter, IOS, Android, Smart phone, Social media, Facebook, Instagram, Business, Technology, Investment, Wall Street