Golden Globes Wins Brings Long Term Benefits To Media Companies, Big Events, Big Exposure

Marketers, advertisers and public relations people know how important publicity is. What better venue than the Golden Globes?

Ricky Gervais, host of the 2016 Golden Globes, joked Sunday night that nobody cares about the awards show. That probably holds true when it comes to Wall Street. Media companies aren't really affected by big events such as the Golden Globes.

However, maybe this time, media companies should start caring.

Do you currently own a publicly traded media company or are employed in one? It's time to crunch the numbers.

An average of 18.5 million viewers tuned in to watch the Golden Globes telecast on NBC and this can bring potential benefits, long-term in fact, when it comes to media companies. It can also potentially energize the business annually.

Here's a break down of media companies with the trophies they raked in:

  • 21st Century Fox won 8 film trophies and 2 TV trophies. Three wins for The Revenant which is still showing in theaters strengthened the box office at $40 million. The Martian won a Golden Globe for Matt Damon's Best Actor category and this can boost up DVD sales since the movie is no longer in cinemas.
  • COMCAST won 2 trophies for Steve Jobs and Mr. Robot. The win repositioned itself as a cable network for bolder audience and has a halo effect on the network and potential gains for advertisers.
  • Amazon took 2 trophies for Mozart in the Jungle. The win lures more people to come to Amazon and try the streaming TV shows they have on hand.
  • CBS took home trophies for The Affair and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. The upside for this company shows that for every award they win, premium monthly subscription increases which is vital now since CBS now offers a streaming service without a cable hook-up. The latter film is also the key characteristic for perception building where viewers most likely relate to the experience and makes the film credible.
  • Time Warner won a trophy for HBO on Creed. It cements the network's standing especially since Game of Thrones is coming soon.

The trophies says it all, according to reports online, these media companies have potential upsides.

Time Warner, Amazon, CBS, Golden Globes, Leonardo DiCaprio, Steve Jobs, Business, Entertainment