The Hateful Eight: Quentin Tarantino's Bleakest Film In His Career

Star-studded and slow-built action packed, filmmaker and actor Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful Eight might just as well be his career's bleakest film, according to a review made by The Sydney Morning Herald.

The film is set on a post-Civil War dead winter in Wyoming, where a bounty hounter, played by a Tarantino regular Samuel L. Jackson, attempts to hitch a ride on a stagecoach that is driven by an O. B. Jackson who is played by James Parks. The bounty hunter, together with his prisoner find shelter in a cabin that is inhabited by a group of wicked characters. Filled with plots of deception and betrayal, the movie is divided into six narrative sequences.

In a review by Robbie Collin of The Telegraph, he wrote that Tarantino has finally released eight of the meanest rascals he could ever come up with. No one is indeed better at raising hell than Quentin Tarantino.

This three-hour long masterpiece was shot in 8mm. Though pretty slow at build up, almost consumed by a political and dirty language, The Hateful Eight explodes into the most gruesome and violence-filled interactions between the vermints of characters.

Tarantino, being a believer in entertainment for its own sake, was once again able to pull off this kind of method. This movie will leave you wondering and pondering about America's past, present and as well as its future for its climax hinges on questions about rasicm and misogyny and whether one will trump the other.

The Hateful Eight had 3 nominations and 1 win during the Golden Globe Awards. Ennio Morricone nabbed the best original score for a motion picture, as Tarantino was nominated for best screenplay and Jennifer Jason Leigh as best performance by an actress in a supporting role. The movie received varied reviews.

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