Microsoft Climbs an Uphill Battle, Company Unable to spark interest in Windows 10 Mobile

Microsoft has been promoting Windows 10 for its desktop platform but the company has been trying its best to boost Windows 10 Mobile which may be a long hard day ahead.

Windows 10 Mobile is on its way. The company had released Windows 10 Mobile but encountered a problematic start which halted its release and distribution. That isn't the only problem the company is seeing and experiencing.

Microsoft continues to boast about how many Windows 10 installations they have counted since the launch of the new operating system.

The operating system has failed to penetrate the market and the company cannot force mobile users into using Windows 10 Mobile. Instead of focusing on this stunted growth, Microsoft is still holding Cortana - the personal assistant of Windows 10 that helps users manage calendars and more, the Word Flow Keyboard, and many more software that rivals iOS and Android platforms.

While it's working out the kinks to Windows 10 Mobile by making a jump in the versions, Microsoft released AppComparison - an app for Android. The release is planned to lure people away from Google's Mobile operating system over to Windows 10 Mobile.

Windows 10 Mobile is not a key seller but by spreading alternatives like Cortana to iOS and Android platforms, Microsoft is able to advertise its products and features.

Mark Wilson, from BetaNews, indicates that this is not the first time Microsoft is interested in other platforms. There is news that Windows 10 Mobile's Word Flow keyboard is making its way to iOS and Android. Wilson describes Microsoft's moves as "dull".

Google and Apple already have cemented its name in the platform word and Microsoft does not have this luxury. It may be an uphill battle to bring Windows 10 Mobile to the public's attention. Wilson expresses that Microsoft should make a different move.

Microsoft Windows 10, Microsoft, IOS, Android, Technology