Reign Season 3 Episode 9 Recap: 'Wedlock', Queens Engaged to be Married

Weddings are events many treasure as it is a memory of a solid union between two people. However, when it comes to the Queen of Scotland and Queen of England, the marriage they dream of may be scandalous instead of beautiful. It can well be a wedding no one can forget.

Mary has always been doing all she can to save her Scotland and this time, she's willing to be Queen to the Prince of Spain - no matter how disabled he can be. The marriage alliance between Scotland and Spain may be the only thing that can win her cause against England. And Gideon will stop at nothing for this alliance to not happen. Driven by the need to free his daughter, he plants things inside Mary's head saying she will never be happy in a love-less marriage. And to make it more troublesome for Mary, he announced that the Queen of England is ready to accept Spain's proposal for marriage which pushed back her marriage date.

On the other hand, the royal prince which is said to be disabled after the acciddent in his bedroom started to regain consciousness and remembers the truth about his accident. He regains not only his speech but also his mobility. He plans to use Mary the same way she used him, for marriage. He pulls the Duke in on his plan that he will accept Mary's proposal, deny Elizabeth's, only if Mary will agree to a crowned marriage - which will make him an heir to the Scottish throne.

Mary gladly accepts but fearing something is wrong when she sees the Prince's hand move when her dog approached him, she enlists Gideon to find out the truth for her. She knows that he is only doing Elizabeth's bidding to save his daughter and this spy adventure will be to England's advantage because the alliance between Spain and Scotland may not happen.

Gideon was able to find out that Spain has hired mercenaries to kill Mary when she travels to Spain. Furious, Mary plans to trick him into signing a contract without the crown addendum. Don Carlos still pretended to be disabled but quickly lost it when he read the contract and tore it apart with his two hands. Exposed as tricking the Queen into marriage, he leaves after threats from Catherine to expose his pillow secrets.

Another marriage that may happen is Claude's unplanned wedding. Narcisse is struggling to lift France financially and he feels that France can benefit from Claude's marriage to a duke which is her greatest fear. Under Francis' reign, she was free to choose whomever she likes but this new revelation is one she cannot control.

Meanwhile in England, posts reveal that Elizabeth found out she is pregnant with Robert's child. He wants to take care of them both so he plans to divorce his current wife. But Amy doesn't take this news lightly and ends up killing herself. This puts Robert in a spot being suspected of murdering his wife and Elizabeth cannot marry a man who is involved in a scandal that may ruin her reputation.

What are the queens to do for love?

Reign Season 3, Queen Elizabeth